Island Air Service is Kodiak’s gateway to adventure on Kodiak Island. Our staff is trained and committed to providing outstanding customer service for all your ground handling and transportation needs.
If your travel includes stay in Kodiak, our Flight Support Services department can provide parking, refueling, transportation and ground services. We can help you with reservations for hotels and recommendations for fishing, hiking, kayaking and many other opportunities to enjoy Kodiak’s outdoor splendor.
Call us directly for arrival information, our staff will be standing by to assist you with your trip.
ATIS: 134.45
CTAF: 119.8
Ground: 121.9
Unicom: 122.8
Island Air: 129.85
Tower: 907-487-4339
1420 Airport Way
Kodiak, Alaska 99615
Main office: 907 487 4596
Float planes: 907 487 5000
Fax: 907 487 4693
May 15th - September 15th: Mon-Sat 8AM - 6PM / Sun 9AM - 5PM
September 16th – May 14th: Mon-Sat 9AM - 5PM / Closed Sunday
Services requested after hours may have additional charges
Island Air Service is located on the West side of the commercial ramp across from the Alaska Air terminal. When exiting Runway 26 at taxiway Foxtrot, make a left turn when on the commercial ramp. Parking will be on the West side of the ramp. Contact Island Air Service on 129.85.